

計算機プログラムの構造と解釈[第2版](ハロルド エイブルソン (著)、ジュリー サスマン (著)、ジェラルド・ジェイ サスマン (著)、Harold Abelson (原著)、Julie Sussman (原著)、Gerald Jay Sussman (原著)、和田 英一 (翻訳)、翔泳社、原書: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)(SICP))の4(超言語的抽象)、4.3(Schemeの変形 - 非決定性計算)、4.3.3(amb評価機の実装)、実行手続きと継続、問題 4.50.を解いてみる。


問題 4.50.

コード(BBEdit, Emacs)


#!/usr/bin/env gosh
;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

(load "./ramb_syntax_analyzer.scm")

(define input-prompt ";;; Ramb-Eval input:")
(define output-prompt ";;; Ramb-Eval value:")

(define (prompt-for-input string)
  (newline) (newline) (print string))

(define (announce-output string)
  (newline) (print string))

(define (user-print object)
  (if (compound-procedure? object)
      (display (list 'compound-procedure
                     (procedure-parameters object)
                     (procedure-body object)
      (display object)))

(define (driver-loop)
  (define (internal-loop try-again)
    (prompt-for-input input-prompt)
    (let ((input (read)))
      (if (eq? input 'try-again)
            (display ";;; Starting a new problem ")
            (rambeval input
                     (lambda (val next-alternative)
                       (announce-output output-prompt)
                       (user-print val)
                       (internal-loop next-alternative))
                     (lambda ()
                        ";;; There are no more values of")
                       (user-print input)
   (lambda ()
     (display ";;; There is no current problem")


#!/usr/bin/env gosh
;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

(define true #t)
(define false #f)
(define apply-in-underlying-scheme apply)

(define (list-of-values exps env)
  (if (no-operands? exps)
      (cons (eval (first-operand exps) env)
            (list-of-values (rest-operands exps) env))))

(define (self-evaluation? exp)
  (if (or (number? exp)
          (string? exp))

(define (variable? exp) (symbol? exp))

(define (tagged-list? exp tag)
  (if (pair? exp)
      (eq? (car exp) tag)

(define (quoted? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'quote))
(define (text-of-quotation exp) (cadr exp))

(define (assignment? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'set!))
(define (assignment-variable exp) (cadr exp))
(define (assignment-value exp) (caddr exp))

(define (definition? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'define))
(define (definition-variable exp)
  (if (symbol? (cadr exp))
      (cadr exp)
      (caadr exp)))
(define (definition-value exp)
  (if (symbol? (cadr exp))
      (caddr exp)
      (make-lambda (cdadr exp)
                   (cddr exp))))

(define (if? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'if))
(define (if-predicate exp) (cadr exp))
(define (if-consequent exp) (caddr exp))
(define (if-alternative exp)
  (if (not (null? (cdddr exp)))
      (cadddr exp)
(define (make-if predicate consequent alternative)
  (list 'if predicate consequent alternative))

(define (ramb? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'ramb))
(define (ramb-choices exp) (cdr exp))

(define (let? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'let))
(define (let-clauses exp) (cdr exp))
(define (let-vars-exps clauses) (car clauses))
(define (let->combination exp)
  (let ((clauses (let-clauses exp)))
    (let ((vars-exps (let-vars-exps clauses)))
      (cons (make-lambda (map car vars-exps)
                    (cdr clauses))
            (map cadr vars-exps)))))

(define (lambda? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'lambda))
(define (lambda-parameters exp) (cadr exp))
(define (lambda-body exp) (cddr exp))
(define (make-lambda parameters body)
  (cons 'lambda (cons parameters body)))

(define (begin? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'begin))
(define (begin-actions exp) (cdr exp))
(define (last-exp? seq) (null? (cdr seq)))
(define (first-exp seq) (car seq))
(define (rest-exps seq) (cdr seq))
(define (sequence->exp seq)
  (cond ((null? seq) seq)
        ((last-exp? seq) (first-exp seq))
        (else (make-begin seq))))
(define (make-begin seq) (cons 'begin seq))

(define (cond? exp) (tagged-list? exp 'cond))
(define (cond-clauses exp) (cdr exp))
(define (cond-else-clause? clause)
  (eq? (cond-predicate clause) 'else))
(define (cond-predicate clause) (car clause))
(define (cond-actions clause) (cdr clause))
(define (cond->if exp)
  (expand-clauses (cond-clauses exp)))
(define (expand-clauses clauses)
  (if (null? clauses)
      (let ((first (car clauses))
            (rest (cdr clauses)))
        (if (cond-else-clause? first)
            (if (null? rest)
                (sequence->exp (cond-actions first))
                (error "ELSE clause isn't last -- COND->IF" clauses))
            (make-if (cond-predicate first)
                     (sequence->exp (cond-actions first))
                     (expand-clauses rest))))))

(define (application? exp) (pair? exp))
(define (operator exp) (car exp))
(define (operands exp) (cdr exp))
(define (no-operands? ops) (null? ops))
(define (first-operand ops) (car ops))
(define (rest-operands ops) (cdr ops))

(define (true? x) (not (eq? x false)))
(define (false? x) (eq? x false))

(define (make-procedure parameters body env)
  (list 'procedure parameters body env))
(define (compound-procedure? p)
  (tagged-list? p 'procedure))
(define (procedure-parameters p) (cadr p))
(define (procedure-body p) (caddr p))
(define (procedure-environment p) (cadddr p))

(define (enclosing-environment env) (cdr env))
(define (first-frame env) (car env))
(define the-empty-environment '())

(define (make-frame variables values)
  (cons variables values))
(define (frame-variables frame) (car frame))
(define (frame-values frame) (cdr frame))
(define (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame)
  (set-car! frame (cons var (car frame)))
  (set-cdr! frame (cons val (cdr frame))))
(define (extend-environment vars vals base-env)
  (if (= (length vars) (length vals))
      (cons (make-frame vars vals) base-env)
      (if (< (length vars) (length vals))
          (error "Too many arguments supplied" var vals)
          (error "Too few arguments supplied" var vals))))
(define (lookup-variable-value var env)
  (define (env-loop env)
    (define (scan vars vals)
      (cond ((null? vars)
             (env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
            ((eq? var (car vars)) (car vals))
            (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
    (if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
        (error "Unbound variable" var)
        (let ((frame (first-frame env)))
          (scan (frame-variables frame)
                (frame-values frame)))))
  (env-loop env))
(define (set-variable-value! var val env)
  (define (env-loop env)
    (define (scan vars vals)
      (cond ((null? vars)
             (env-loop (enclosing-environment env)))
            ((eq? var (car vars)) (set-car! vals val))
            (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
    (if (eq? env the-empty-environment)
        (error "Unbound variable -- SET!" var)
        (let ((frame (first-frame env)))
          (scan (frame-variables frame)
                (frame-values frame)))))
  (env-loop env))
(define (define-variable! var val env)
  (let ((frame (first-frame env)))
    (define (scan vars vals)
      (cond ((null? vars)
             (add-binding-to-frame! var val frame))
            ((eq? var (car vars)) (set-car! vals val))
            (else (scan (cdr vars) (cdr vals)))))
    (scan (frame-variables frame)
          (frame-values frame))))

(define primitive-procedures
  (list (list 'car car)
        (list 'cdr cdr)
        (list 'cadr cadr)
        (list 'cons cons)
        (list 'null? null?)
        (list 'exit exit)
        (list '= =)
        (list '+ +)
        (list '- -)
        (list '* *)
        (list 'list list)
        (list 'eq? eq?)
        ;; 基本手続き
(define (primitive-procedure-names)
  (map car primitive-procedures))
(define (primitive-procedure-objects)
  (map (lambda (proc) (list 'primitive (cadr proc)))
(define (apply-primitive-procedure proc args)
   (primitive-implementation proc) args))

(define (setup-environment)
  (let ((initial-env
         (extend-environment (primitive-procedure-names)
    (define-variable! 'true true initial-env)
    (define-variable! 'false false initial-env)
(define the-global-environment (setup-environment))
(define (primitive-procedure? proc)
  (tagged-list? proc 'primitive))
(define (primitive-implementation proc) (cadr proc))


#!/usr/bin/env gosh
;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

(load "./ramb_expressions.scm")
(use srfi-27)                           ; random-integer手続き

(define (analyze exp)
  (cond ((self-evaluation? exp)
         (analyze-self-evaluating exp))
        ((quoted? exp) (analyze-quoted exp))
        ((variable? exp) (analyze-variable exp))
        ((assignment? exp) (analyze-assignment exp))
        ((definition? exp) (analyze-definition exp ))
        ((if? exp) (analyze-if exp))
        ((ramb? exp) (analyze-ramb exp))
        ((lambda? exp) (analyze-lambda exp))
        ((let? exp) (analyze (let->combination exp)))
        ((begin? exp)
         (analyze-sequence (begin-actions exp)))
        ((cond? exp) (analyze (cond->if exp)))
        ((application? exp) (analyze-application exp))
         (error "Unknown expression type -- ANALYZE" exp))))

(define (rambeval exp env succeed fail)
  ((analyze exp) env succeed fail))

(define (analyze-self-evaluating exp)
  (lambda (env succeed fail)
    (succeed exp fail)))

(define (analyze-quoted exp)
  (let ((qval (text-of-quotation exp)))
    (lambda (env succeed fail)
      (succeed qval fail))))

(define (analyze-variable exp)
  (lambda (env succeed fail)
    (succeed (lookup-variable-value exp env)

(define (analyze-lambda exp)
  (let ((vars (lambda-parameters exp))
        (bproc (analyze-sequence (lambda-body exp))))
    (lambda (env succeed fail)
      (succeed (make-procedure vars bproc env)

(define (analyze-if exp)
  (let ((pproc (analyze (if-predicate exp)))
        (cproc (analyze (if-consequent exp)))
        (aproc (anlyze (if-alternative exp))))
    (lambda (env succeed fail)
      (pproc env
             (lambda (pred-value fail2)
               (if (true? pred-value)
                   (cproc env succeed fail2)
                   (aproc env succeed fail2)))

(define (analyze-sequence exps)
  (define (sequentially a b)
    (lambda (env succeed fail)
      (a env
         (lambda (a-value fail2)
           (b env succeed fail2))
  (define (loop first-proc rest-procs)
    (if (null? rest-procs)
        (loop (sequentially first-proc (car rest-procs))
              (cdr rest-procs))))
  (let ((procs (map analyze exps)))
    (if (null? procs)
        (error "Empty sequence -- ANALYZE"))
    (loop (car procs) (cdr procs))))

(define (analyze-definition exp)
  (let ((var (definition-variable exp))
        (vproc (analyze (definition-value exp))))
    (lambda (env succeed fail)
      (vproc env
             (lambda (val fail2)
               (define-variable! var val env)
               (succeed 'ok fail2))

(define (analyze-assignment exp)
  (let ((var (assignment-variable exp))
        (vproc (analyze (assignment-value exp))))
    (lambda (env succeed fail)
      (vproc env
             (lambda (val fail2)
               (let ((old-value
                      (lookup-variable-value var env)))
                 (set-variable-value! var val env)
                 (succeed 'ok
                          (lambda ()
                            (set-variable-value! var

(define (analyze-application exp)
  (let ((pproc (analyze (operator exp)))
        (aprocs (map analyze (operands exp))))
    (lambda (env succeed fail)
      (pproc env
             (lambda (proc fail2)
               (get-args aprocs
                         (lambda (args fail3)
                            proc args succeed fail3))
(define (get-args aprocs env succeed fail)
  (if (null? aprocs)
      (succeed '() fail)
      ((car aprocs)
       (lambda (arg fail2)
         (get-args (cdr aprocs)
                   (lambda (args fail3)
                     (succeed (cons arg args)

(define (execute-application proc args succeed fail)
  (cond ((primitive-procedure? proc)
         (succeed (apply-primitive-procedure proc args)
        ((compound-procedure? proc)
         ((procedure-body proc)
          (extend-environment (procedure-parameters proc)
                              (procedure-environment proc))
          "Unknown procedure type -- EXECUTE-APPLICATION"
(define (analyze-ramb exp)
  (define (delete item items)
    (cond ((null? items) '())
          ((eq? (car items) item) (cdr items))
          (else (cons (car items)
                      (delete item (cdr items))))))
  (let ((cprocs (map analyze (ramb-choices exp))))
    (lambda (env succeed fail)
      (define (try-next choices)
        (if (null? choices)
            (let ((choice (list-ref choices (random-integer (length choices)))))
             (choice env
                     (lambda ()
                       (try-next (delete choice choices)))))))
      (try-next cprocs))))

入出力結果(Terminal(gosh), REPL(Read, Eval, Print, Loop))

$ ./ramb_evaluator.scm

;;; Ramb-Eval input:
(ramb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; There are no more values of
(ramb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)

;;; Ramb-Eval input:
(define nouns '(noun cat))

(define verbs '(verb runs sleeps))

(define articles '(article the))

(define prepositions '(prep for to))

(define adjectives '(adj pretty))

(define (parse-sentence)
  (list 'sentence

(define (parse-article-phrase)
  (define (maybe-extend article-phrase)
    (ramb article-phrase
         (maybe-extend (list 'article-phrase
                             (parse-word adjectives)))))
  (maybe-extend (parse-word articles)))

(define (parse-simple-noun-phrase)
  (list 'simple-noun-phrase
        (parse-word nouns)))

(define (parse-noun-phrase)
  (define (maybe-extend noun-phrase)
    (ramb noun-phrase
         (maybe-extend (list 'noun-phrase
  (maybe-extend (parse-simple-noun-phrase)))

(define (parse-verb-phrase)
  (define (maybe-extend verb-phrase)
    (ramb verb-phrase
         (maybe-extend (list 'verb-phrase
  (maybe-extend (parse-word verbs)))

(define (parse-prepositional-phrase)
  (list 'prep-phrase
        (parse-word prepositions)
(define (parse-word word-list)
  (list (car word-list) (cadr word-list)))

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat))))))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(verb runs)

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb runs) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat))))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(sentence (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (verb runs))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(sentence (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (verb-phrase (verb runs) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(sentence (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb runs) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))))))))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(sentence (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb runs) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Ramb-Eval value:
(sentence (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb runs) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article-phrase (article the) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (adj pretty)) (noun cat)))))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))) (prep-phrase (prep for) (simple-noun-phrase (article the) (noun cat)))))

;;; Ramb-Eval input:

;;; Starting a new problem $

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