

Seven More Languages in Seven Weeks (Bruce Tate (著)、Ian Dees (著)、Frederic Daoud (著)、Jack Moffitt (著)、Pragmatic Bookshelf)のChapter 3(Elm)、Day 1(Handling the Basics)、Do (Easy)(No. 3034).を取り組んでみる。

Do (Easy)(No. 3034)

入出力結果(Emacs, Terminal, elm repl)

$ elm-repl 
---- elm repl 0.16.0 -----------------------------------------------------------
 :help for help, :exit to exit, more at <https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-repl>
> product list = case list of \
|   [] -> 1 \
|   head::tail -> head * product tail
<function> : List number -> number
> product [1..10]
3628800 : number
> xFields points = case points of \
|   [] -> [] \
|   head::tail -> head.x::xFields tail
<function> : List { b | x : a } -> List a
> xFields [{x=5, y=0}, {x=1, y=0}, {x=4, y=0}, {x=2, y=0}, {x=3, y=0}]
[5,1,4,2,3] : List number
> person = {name="elm", age=10, address={country="Japan", state="Tokyo"}}
{ name = "elm", age = 10, address = { country = "Japan", state = "Tokyo" } }
    : { address : { country : String, state : String }
      , age : number
      , name : String
> person
{ name = "elm", age = 10, address = { country = "Japan", state = "Tokyo" } }
    : { address : { country : String, state : String }
      , age : number
      , name : String
> person.name
"elm" : String
> person.address
{ country = "Japan", state = "Tokyo" } : { country : String, state : String }
> person.address.country
"Japan" : String
> person.address.state
"Tokyo" : String
> :exit

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