

Think Perl 6: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist (Laurent Rosenfeld(著)、Allen B. Downey(著)、Oreilly & Associates Inc)のPart 1(Starting with the basics)、Chapter 9(Arrays and Lists)の Exercise 9-11、12.を取り組んでみる。

Exercise 9-11、12.


#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

say '11.';
my @words = 'words.txt'.IO.lines;

sub bisect(@array, $item) {
    sub inner($idx1, $idx2) {
        return False unless $idx1 <= $idx2;

        my $idx = Int(($idx1 + $idx2) / 2);
        my $middle = @array[$idx];

        return True if $item eq $middle;
        return inner($idx1, $idx - 1) if $item lt $middle;
        return inner($idx + 1, $idx2);
    return inner(0, @array.end);

for @words {
    my $t = $_.flip;
    say "$_, $t" if $_ lt $t and bisect(@words, $t);

say '12.';
for @words -> $word {
    my $word1 = '';
    my $word2 = '';
    my @letters = $word.comb;
    for 0..@letters.end {
        if $_ %% 2 {
            $word1 ~= @letters[$_];
        } else {
            $word2 ~= @letters[$_];
    if bisect(@words, $word1) and bisect(@words, $word2) {
        say "\"$word1\" and \"$word2\" interlock to form \"$word\"";

入出力結果(Terminal, REPL)

$ ./sample11.pl
abut, tuba
ad, da
ados, soda
agar, raga
agas, saga
agenes, senega
ah, ha
aider, redia
airts, stria
ajar, raja
alif, fila
am, ma
amen, nema
amis, sima
an, na
anger, regna
animal, lamina
animes, semina
anon, nona
ante, etna
are, era
ares, sera
aril, lira
arris, sirra
arum, mura
at, ta
ate, eta
ates, seta
auks, skua
avid, diva
avo, ova
ay, ya
bad, dab
bag, gab
bal, lab
bals, slab
ban, nab
bard, drab
bas, sab
bat, tab
bats, stab
bed, deb
ben, neb
bid, dib
big, gib
bin, nib
bins, snib
bird, drib
bis, sib
bog, gob
bos, sob
bots, stob
bows, swob
brad, darb
brag, garb
bud, dub
bun, nub
buns, snub
bur, rub
burd, drub
burg, grub
bus, sub
but, tub
buts, stub
cam, mac
cap, pac
cares, serac
cod, doc
cram, marc
cud, duc
dag, gad
dah, had
dahs, shad
dam, mad
dap, pad
dart, trad
daw, wad
debut, tubed
decal, laced
dedal, laded
deem, meed
deep, peed
deeps, speed
deer, reed
dees, seed
defer, refed
degami, imaged
deifier, reified
deil, lied
deke, eked
del, led
delf, fled
deliver, reviled
dels, sled
demit, timed
denier, reined
denies, seined
denim, mined
dens, sned
depot, toped
depots, stoped
derat, tared
derats, stared
dessert, tressed
desserts, stressed
devas, saved
devil, lived
dew, wed
dewans, snawed
dexes, sexed
dial, laid
dialer, relaid
diaper, repaid
dig, gid
dim, mid
dinar, ranid
diols, sloid
dirts, strid
do, od
dog, god
dom, mod
don, nod
doom, mood
door, rood
dor, rod
dormin, nimrod
dorp, prod
dos, sod
dot, tod
drail, liard
draw, ward
drawer, reward
draws, sward
dray, yard
dual, laud
ducs, scud
duel, leud
duo, oud
dup, pud
dups, spud
eat, tae
edile, elide
edit, tide
eel, lee
eh, he
elides, sedile
em, me
emes, seme
emir, rime
emit, time
emits, stime
enol, lone
er, re
ergo, ogre
eros, sore
ervil, livre
etas, sate
even, neve
evil, live
eviler, relive
fer, ref
fires, serif
flog, golf
flow, wolf
fool, loof
gal, lag
gals, slag
gam, mag
gan, nag
gar, rag
gas, sag
gat, tag
gats, stag
gel, leg
gelder, redleg
get, teg
gip, pig
girt, trig
gnar, rang
gnat, tang
gnats, stang
gnaws, swang
gnus, sung
got, tog
gul, lug
gulp, plug
guls, slug
gum, mug
gums, smug
guns, snug
gut, tug
habus, subah
hahs, shah
hales, selah
hap, pah
hay, yah
hey, yeh
ho, oh
hoop, pooh
hop, poh
is, si
it, ti
jar, raj
kay, yak
keel, leek
keels, sleek
keep, peek
keets, steek
kips, spik
knaps, spank
knar, rank
knits, stink
lager, regal
lair, rial
lap, pal
lares, seral
larum, mural
las, sal
leer, reel
lees, seel
leets, steel
leper, repel
lever, revel
levins, snivel
liar, rail
lin, nil
lion, noil
lit, til
lobo, obol
loom, mool
loons, snool
loop, pool
loops, spool
loot, tool
looter, retool
loots, stool
lop, pol
lotos, sotol
macs, scam
maes, seam
map, pam
mar, ram
marcs, scram
mart, tram
mat, tam
maws, swam
may, yam
meet, teem
meter, retem
mho, ohm
mils, slim
mir, rim
mis, sim
mon, nom
moor, room
moot, toom
mot, tom
mures, serum
mus, sum
muts, stum
namer, reman
nap, pan
naps, span
neep, peen
net, ten
neves, seven
new, wen
nip, pin
nips, spin
nit, tin
no, on
nolos, solon
nos, son
not, ton
notes, seton
now, won
nu, un
nus, sun
nut, tun
nuts, stun
oat, tao
oohs, shoo
oot, too
os, so
ow, wo
pacer, recap
pals, slap
pans, snap
par, rap
part, trap
parts, strap
pas, sap
pat, tap
paw, wap
paws, swap
pay, yap
peels, sleep
pees, seep
per, rep
pets, step
pins, snip
pis, sip
pit, tip
pols, slop
pools, sloop
poons, snoop
port, trop
ports, strop
pot, top
pots, stop
pow, wop
pows, swop
prat, tarp
pupils, slipup
puris, sirup
pus, sup
put, tup
raps, spar
rat, tar
rats, star
raw, war
ray, yar
rebus, suber
rebut, tuber
recaps, spacer
redes, seder
redips, spider
redraw, warder
redrawer, rewarder
rees, seer
reflet, telfer
reflow, wolfer
reknit, tinker
reknits, stinker
relit, tiler
remeet, teemer
remit, timer
rennet, tenner
repins, sniper
res, ser
rot, tor
sallets, stellas
saps, spas
sat, tas
saw, was
scares, seracs
secret, terces
seeks, skees
selahs, shales
sirs, sris
sit, tis
six, xis
skeets, steeks
skips, spiks
sleeps, speels
sleets, steels
slit, tils
sloops, spools
smart, trams
smuts, stums
snaps, spans
snaw, wans
snaws, swans
snips, spins
snit, tins
snoops, spoons
snoot, toons
snot, tons
snow, wons
sow, wos
spat, taps
spay, yaps
spirt, trips
spirts, strips
spit, tips
sports, strops
spot, tops
spots, stops
sprat, tarps
sprits, stirps
staw, wats
stew, wets
stow, wots
stows, swots
straw, warts
strow, worts
struts, sturts
swat, taws
sway, yaws
swot, tows
tav, vat
taw, wat
tew, wet
tort, trot
tow, wot
trow, wort
way, yaw
"ah" and "as" interlock to form "aahs"
"aby" and "be" interlock to form "abbey"
"aid" and "be" interlock to form "abied"
"ais" and "be" interlock to form "abies"
"ar" and "bi" interlock to form "abri"
"ars" and "bi" interlock to form "abris"
"ay" and "be" interlock to form "abye"
"ays" and "be" interlock to form "abyes"
"ars" and "cos" interlock to form "across"
"add" and "de" interlock to form "added"
"ais" and "do" interlock to form "adios"
"anus" and "don" interlock to form "adnouns"
"arf" and "dit" interlock to form "adrift"
"aril" and "doty" interlock to form "adroitly"
"ail" and "fed" interlock to form "afield"
"are" and "fet" interlock to form "afreet"
"ares" and "fet" interlock to form "afreets"
"ai" and "go" interlock to form "agio"
"ais" and "go" interlock to form "agios"
"ala" and "gem" interlock to form "agleam"
"ani" and "gal" interlock to form "agnail"
"anis" and "gal" interlock to form "agnails"
"ant" and "gae" interlock to form "agnate"
"ants" and "gae" interlock to form "agnates"
"arf" and "gae" interlock to form "agrafe"
"arras" and "gain" interlock to form "agrarians"
"are" and "ged" interlock to form "agreed"
"ad" and "is" interlock to form "aids"
"am" and "is" interlock to form "aims"
"an" and "is" interlock to form "ains"
"ar" and "in" interlock to form "airn"
"ars" and "in" interlock to form "airns"
"ar" and "is" interlock to form "airs"
"ar" and "it" interlock to form "airt"
"ars" and "it" interlock to form "airts"
"at" and "is" interlock to form "aits"
"age" and "la" interlock to form "algae"
"ais" and "la" interlock to form "alias"
"aine" and "lee" interlock to form "alienee"
"aine" and "lees" interlock to form "alienees"
"all" and "lee" interlock to form "allele"
"alls" and "lee" interlock to form "alleles"
"ale" and "lid" interlock to form "allied"
"ale" and "lis" interlock to form "allies"
"alt" and "lo" interlock to form "allot"
"am" and "la" interlock to form "alma"
"ask" and "lie" interlock to form "alsike"
"asks" and "lie" interlock to form "alsikes"
"as" and "lo" interlock to form "also"
"at" and "lo" interlock to form "alto"
"ai" and "ma" interlock to form "amia"
"ais" and "ma" interlock to form "amias"
"ai" and "me" interlock to form "amie"
"ais" and "me" interlock to form "amies"
"ana" and "mi" interlock to form "amnia"
"area" and "met" interlock to form "amreeta"
"ain" and "no" interlock to form "anion"
"ain" and "nos" interlock to form "anions"
"an" and "na" interlock to form "anna"
"ants" and "nae" interlock to form "annates"
"any" and "no" interlock to form "annoy"
"any" and "nos" interlock to form "annoys"
"as" and "na" interlock to form "ansa"
"at" and "na" interlock to form "anta"
"ate" and "na" interlock to form "antae"
"ain" and "pa" interlock to form "apian"
"air" and "pay" interlock to form "apiary"
"alt" and "pie" interlock to form "aplite"
"alts" and "pie" interlock to form "aplites"
"ana" and "pe" interlock to form "apnea"
"ana" and "pes" interlock to form "apneas"
"as" and "pe" interlock to form "apse"
"ass" and "pe" interlock to form "apses"
"ass" and "pi" interlock to form "apsis"
"ail" and "re" interlock to form "ariel"
"ail" and "res" interlock to form "ariels"
"ais" and "roe" interlock to form "ariose"
"ars" and "ret" interlock to form "arrest"
"arse" and "rete" interlock to form "arrestee"
"arses" and "rete" interlock to form "arrestees"
"as" and "re" interlock to form "arse"
"ass" and "re" interlock to form "arses"
"act" and "so" interlock to form "ascot"
"act" and "sos" interlock to form "ascots"
"ass" and "sit" interlock to form "assist"
"am" and "ta" interlock to form "atma"
"awe" and "ten" interlock to form "atween"
"an" and "ut" interlock to form "aunt"
"any" and "ut" interlock to form "aunty"
"ars" and "uit" interlock to form "aurist"
"aal" and "vis" interlock to form "avails"
"ain" and "vas" interlock to form "avians"
"ae" and "we" interlock to form "awee"
"amu" and "wos" interlock to form "awmous"
"and" and "we" interlock to form "awned"
"bad" and "ae" interlock to form "baaed"
"ba" and "as" interlock to form "baas"
"bin" and "ar" interlock to form "bairn"
"bin" and "ars" interlock to form "bairns"
"bi" and "at" interlock to form "bait"
"bis" and "at" interlock to form "baits"
"blet" and "ads" interlock to form "baldest"
"blond" and "aloe" interlock to form "ballooned"
"brad" and "ami" interlock to form "barmaid"
"brad" and "amis" interlock to form "barmaids"
"burn" and "ados" interlock to form "baudrons"
"bus" and "ad" interlock to form "bauds"
"by" and "as" interlock to form "bays"
"bals" and "ekes" interlock to form "beakless"
"ba" and "em" interlock to form "beam"
"bals" and "emes" interlock to form "beamless"
"bas" and "em" interlock to form "beams"
"bay" and "em" interlock to form "beamy"
"ba" and "en" interlock to form "bean"
"bas" and "en" interlock to form "beans"
"ba" and "er" interlock to form "bear"
"bad" and "er" interlock to form "beard"
"bad" and "ers" interlock to form "beards"
"bas" and "er" interlock to form "bears"
"bat" and "es" interlock to form "beast"
"bat" and "ess" interlock to form "beasts"
"ba" and "et" interlock to form "beat"
"bas" and "et" interlock to form "beats"
"be" and "ef" interlock to form "beef"
"bey" and "ef" interlock to form "beefy"
"be" and "en" interlock to form "been"
"be" and "er" interlock to form "beer"
"bey" and "er" interlock to form "beery"
"be" and "es" interlock to form "bees"
"be" and "et" interlock to form "beet"
"big" and "en" interlock to form "being"
"big" and "ens" interlock to form "beings"
"by" and "es" interlock to form "beys"
"bot" and "ho" interlock to form "bhoot"
"ba" and "is" interlock to form "bias"
"bot" and "in" interlock to form "biont"
"bot" and "ins" interlock to form "bionts"
"bo" and "is" interlock to form "bios"
"boa" and "it" interlock to form "biota"
"boa" and "its" interlock to form "biotas"
"ban" and "li" interlock to form "blain"
"ban" and "lis" interlock to form "blains"
"bet" and "la" interlock to form "bleat"
"bet" and "las" interlock to form "bleats"
"bot" and "la" interlock to form "bloat"
"bot" and "las" interlock to form "bloats"
"bod" and "lo" interlock to form "blood"
"bode" and "lord" interlock to form "bloodred"
"bop" and "lo" interlock to form "bloop"
"buns" and "lees" interlock to form "blueness"
"bus" and "let" interlock to form "bluest"
"bus" and "ley" interlock to form "bluesy"
"ba" and "or" interlock to form "boar"
"bad" and "or" interlock to form "board"
"bad" and "ors" interlock to form "boards"
"bas" and "or" interlock to form "boars"
"bat" and "or" interlock to form "boart"
"bat" and "ors" interlock to form "boarts"
"ba" and "os" interlock to form "boas"
"bat" and "os" interlock to form "boast"
"blet" and "ods" interlock to form "boldest"
"bold" and "ode" interlock to form "boodled"
"bod" and "oe" interlock to form "booed"
"boo" and "oho" interlock to form "boohoo"
"boos" and "oho" interlock to form "boohoos"
"bolt" and "oke" interlock to form "booklet"
"bolt" and "okes" interlock to form "booklets"
"bo" and "om" interlock to form "boom"
"bos" and "om" interlock to form "booms"
"boy" and "om" interlock to form "boomy"
"bo" and "on" interlock to form "boon"
"bos" and "on" interlock to form "boons"
"bo" and "or" interlock to form "boor"
"bos" and "or" interlock to form "boors"
"bo" and "os" interlock to form "boos"
"bot" and "os" interlock to form "boost"
"bud" and "on" interlock to form "bound"
"bud" and "ons" interlock to form "bounds"
"bug" and "or" interlock to form "bourg"
"bug" and "ors" interlock to form "bourgs"
"bun" and "or" interlock to form "bourn"
"bun" and "ore" interlock to form "bourne"
"buns" and "ore" interlock to form "bournes"
"bun" and "ors" interlock to form "bourns"
"bus" and "ore" interlock to form "bourse"
"buss" and "ore" interlock to form "bourses"
"buy" and "os" interlock to form "bousy"
"by" and "os" interlock to form "boys"
"ba" and "re" interlock to form "brae"
"bas" and "re" interlock to form "braes"
"bed" and "ras" interlock to form "breads"
"bet" and "rah" interlock to form "breath"
"bets" and "rah" interlock to form "breaths"
"be" and "re" interlock to form "bree"
"bed" and "re" interlock to form "breed"
"bed" and "res" interlock to form "breeds"
"bi" and "re" interlock to form "brie"
"bis" and "re" interlock to form "bries"
"bod" and "ras" interlock to form "broads"
"brig" and "urn" interlock to form "burring"
"bra" and "us" interlock to form "bursa"
"bra" and "use" interlock to form "bursae"
"bred" and "use" interlock to form "burseed"
"bred" and "uses" interlock to form "burseeds"
"by" and "us" interlock to form "buys"
"bra" and "yod" interlock to form "byroad"
"bras" and "yod" interlock to form "byroads"
"clip" and "aloe" interlock to form "calliope"
"clips" and "aloe" interlock to form "calliopes"
"cris" and "ane" interlock to form "carnies"
"cry" and "an" interlock to form "carny"
"cris" and "are" interlock to form "carries"
"cry" and "ar" interlock to form "carry"
"cue" and "as" interlock to form "cause"
"cue" and "ass" interlock to form "causes"
"clue" and "ell" interlock to form "cellule"
"clue" and "ells" interlock to form "cellules"
"col" and "er" interlock to form "ceorl"
"col" and "ers" interlock to form "ceorls"
"can" and "hi" interlock to form "chain"
"can" and "hie" interlock to form "chaine"
"cans" and "hie" interlock to form "chaines"
"can" and "his" interlock to form "chains"
"car" and "hi" interlock to form "chair"
"card" and "hie" interlock to form "chaired"
"car" and "his" interlock to form "chairs"
"can" and "hut" interlock to form "chaunt"
"cans" and "hut" interlock to form "chaunts"
"cere" and "heir" interlock to form "cheerier"
"cord" and "hie" interlock to form "choired"
"cos" and "hoe" interlock to form "choose"
"coss" and "hoe" interlock to form "chooses"
"cosy" and "hoe" interlock to form "choosey"
"cos" and "hoy" interlock to form "choosy"
"cog" and "huh" interlock to form "chough"
"cogs" and "huh" interlock to form "choughs"
"cos" and "hue" interlock to form "chouse"
"coss" and "hue" interlock to form "chouses"
"cos" and "huh" interlock to form "choush"
"cos" and "in" interlock to form "cions"
"cam" and "li" interlock to form "claim"
"cam" and "lis" interlock to form "claims"
"cot" and "lo" interlock to form "cloot"
"cat" and "op" interlock to form "coapt"
"cat" and "ops" interlock to form "coapts"
"cat" and "os" interlock to form "coast"
"clue" and "old" interlock to form "collude"
"clue" and "olds" interlock to form "colludes"
"cod" and "oe" interlock to form "cooed"
"coy" and "oe" interlock to form "cooey"
"coy" and "oes" interlock to form "cooeys"
"cos" and "of" interlock to form "coofs"
"cols" and "okes" interlock to form "cookless"
"cons" and "oles" interlock to form "coolness"
"cob" and "om" interlock to form "coomb"
"cob" and "oms" interlock to form "coombs"
"cos" and "on" interlock to form "coons"
"cos" and "op" interlock to form "coops"
"cot" and "op" interlock to form "coopt"
"cot" and "ops" interlock to form "coopts"
"cris" and "obe" interlock to form "corbies"
"cry" and "od" interlock to form "cordy"
"cry" and "on" interlock to form "corny"
"cris" and "ore" interlock to form "corries"
"cue" and "od" interlock to form "coude"
"cue" and "ole" interlock to form "coulee"
"cues" and "ole" interlock to form "coulees"
"cut" and "on" interlock to form "count"
"cuts" and "ones" interlock to form "countess"
"cut" and "ons" interlock to form "counts"
"cue" and "op" interlock to form "coupe"
"cue" and "ops" interlock to form "coupes"
"cult" and "ope" interlock to form "couplet"
"cult" and "opes" interlock to form "couplets"
"cuss" and "ore" interlock to form "courses"
"cut" and "or" interlock to form "court"
"cut" and "ors" interlock to form "courts"
"cess" and "ree" interlock to form "creeses"
"cop" and "rue" interlock to form "croupe"
"cops" and "rue" interlock to form "croupes"
"cos" and "rue" interlock to form "crouse"
"cut" and "re" interlock to form "cruet"
"cut" and "res" interlock to form "cruets"
"dite" and "anis" interlock to form "dainties"
"dit" and "any" interlock to form "dainty"
"die" and "ass" interlock to form "daises"
"dui" and "ate" interlock to form "dautie"
"da" and "ef" interlock to form "deaf"
"da" and "el" interlock to form "deal"
"da" and "en" interlock to form "dean"
"da" and "er" interlock to form "dear"
"dais" and "ere" interlock to form "dearies"
"day" and "er" interlock to form "deary"
"dah" and "es" interlock to form "deash"
"dah" and "et" interlock to form "death"
"de" and "em" interlock to form "deem"
"des" and "em" interlock to form "deems"
"de" and "er" interlock to form "deer"
"des" and "er" interlock to form "deers"
"de" and "es" interlock to form "dees"
"dim" and "es" interlock to form "deism"
"dim" and "ess" interlock to form "deisms"
"dit" and "es" interlock to form "deist"
"dit" and "ess" interlock to form "deists"
"dry" and "er" interlock to form "derry"
"dol" and "hoy" interlock to form "dhooly"
"dais" and "ire" interlock to form "diaries"
"de" and "id" interlock to form "died"
"dee" and "in" interlock to form "diene"
"dee" and "ins" interlock to form "dienes"
"de" and "is" interlock to form "dies"
"de" and "it" interlock to form "diet"
"des" and "it" interlock to form "diets"
"doe" and "id" interlock to form "diode"
"doe" and "ids" interlock to form "diodes"
"dry" and "it" interlock to form "dirty"
"de" and "or" interlock to form "doer"
"des" and "or" interlock to form "doers"
"de" and "os" interlock to form "does"
"die" and "old" interlock to form "doiled"
"dig" and "on" interlock to form "doing"
"dig" and "ons" interlock to form "doings"
"dol" and "ode" interlock to form "doodle"
"dols" and "ode" interlock to form "doodles"
"doe" and "ole" interlock to form "doolee"
"does" and "ole" interlock to form "doolees"
"do" and "om" interlock to form "doom"
"dos" and "om" interlock to form "dooms"
"do" and "or" interlock to form "door"
"dols" and "ores" interlock to form "doorless"
"dos" and "or" interlock to form "doors"
"dry" and "om" interlock to form "dormy"
"duet" and "ors" interlock to form "dourest"
"duns" and "ores" interlock to form "dourness"
"due" and "os" interlock to form "douse"
"damn" and "rya" interlock to form "drayman"
"damn" and "rye" interlock to form "draymen"
"de" and "re" interlock to form "dree"
"des" and "re" interlock to form "drees"
"did" and "re" interlock to form "dried"
"dees" and "uns" interlock to form "dueness"
"de" and "us" interlock to form "dues"
"de" and "ut" interlock to form "duet"
"des" and "ut" interlock to form "duets"
"do" and "us" interlock to form "duos"
"era" and "alp" interlock to form "earlap"
"eras" and "alp" interlock to form "earlaps"
"er" and "an" interlock to form "earn"
"ere" and "and" interlock to form "earned"
"ers" and "an" interlock to form "earns"
"er" and "as" interlock to form "ears"
"es" and "ae" interlock to form "ease"
"ess" and "ae" interlock to form "eases"
"es" and "at" interlock to form "east"
"ess" and "at" interlock to form "easts"
"es" and "ay" interlock to form "easy"
"et" and "ah" interlock to form "eath"
"et" and "as" interlock to form "eats"
"el" and "es" interlock to form "eels"
"eft" and "fee" interlock to form "effete"
"eh" and "li" interlock to form "elhi"
"eon" and "li" interlock to form "eloin"
"eon" and "lis" interlock to form "eloins"
"egg" and "nae" interlock to form "engage"
"eggs" and "nae" interlock to form "engages"
"els" and "nit" interlock to form "enlist"
"erg" and "nae" interlock to form "enrage"
"ergs" and "nae" interlock to form "enrages"
"eros" and "not" interlock to form "enroots"
"en" and "os" interlock to form "eons"
"eh" and "pa" interlock to form "epha"
"en" and "re" interlock to form "erne"
"ens" and "re" interlock to form "ernes"
"ern" and "rad" interlock to form "errand"
"erns" and "rad" interlock to form "errands"
"ern" and "rat" interlock to form "errant"
"erns" and "rat" interlock to form "errants"
"ern" and "rig" interlock to form "erring"
"ess" and "re" interlock to form "erses"
"en" and "ta" interlock to form "etna"
"ens" and "ta" interlock to form "etnas"
"en" and "ye" interlock to form "eyne"
"er" and "ya" interlock to form "eyra"
"ers" and "ya" interlock to form "eyras"
"er" and "ye" interlock to form "eyre"
"ers" and "ye" interlock to form "eyres"
"fey" and "ar" interlock to form "faery"
"fil" and "ale" interlock to form "faille"
"fils" and "ale" interlock to form "failles"
"fit" and "an" interlock to form "faint"
"fins" and "ares" interlock to form "fairness"
"fa" and "el" interlock to form "feal"
"fa" and "er" interlock to form "fear"
"fas" and "er" interlock to form "fears"
"fat" and "es" interlock to form "feast"
"fat" and "ess" interlock to form "feasts"
"fa" and "et" interlock to form "feat"
"fas" and "et" interlock to form "feats"
"fees" and "els" interlock to form "feeless"
"fit" and "en" interlock to form "feint"
"fit" and "ens" interlock to form "feints"
"fit" and "es" interlock to form "feist"
"fit" and "ess" interlock to form "feists"
"fly" and "el" interlock to form "felly"
"fry" and "el" interlock to form "ferly"
"fry" and "en" interlock to form "ferny"
"fry" and "er" interlock to form "ferry"
"far" and "ice" interlock to form "fiacre"
"fa" and "it" interlock to form "fiat"
"fas" and "it" interlock to form "fiats"
"fed" and "in" interlock to form "fiend"
"fed" and "ins" interlock to form "fiends"
"far" and "li" interlock to form "flair"
"far" and "lis" interlock to form "flairs"
"fets" and "leet" interlock to form "fleetest"
"fetes" and "lens" interlock to form "fleetness"
"for" and "lo" interlock to form "floor"
"fun" and "let" interlock to form "fluent"
"fud" and "li" interlock to form "fluid"
"fud" and "lis" interlock to form "fluids"
"fur" and "lo" interlock to form "fluor"
"fa" and "om" interlock to form "foam"
"fas" and "om" interlock to form "foams"
"fay" and "om" interlock to form "foamy"
"fen" and "oh" interlock to form "foehn"
"fen" and "ohs" interlock to form "foehns"
"fil" and "obe" interlock to form "foible"
"fils" and "obe" interlock to form "foibles"
"fie" and "old" interlock to form "foiled"
"fit" and "os" interlock to form "foist"
"foe" and "old" interlock to form "fooled"
"fry" and "obe" interlock to form "forbye"
"fro" and "od" interlock to form "fordo"
"fret" and "own" interlock to form "forwent"
"funs" and "oles" interlock to form "foulness"
"fud" and "on" interlock to form "found"
"fud" and "ons" interlock to form "founds"
"fa" and "re" interlock to form "frae"
"fed" and "re" interlock to form "freed"
"fens" and "rees" interlock to form "freeness"
"fer" and "re" interlock to form "freer"
"fer" and "res" interlock to form "freers"
"fez" and "ree" interlock to form "freeze"
"fir" and "ras" interlock to form "friars"
"fir" and "ray" interlock to form "friary"
"fid" and "re" interlock to form "fried"
"fin" and "red" interlock to form "friend"
"fine" and "redd" interlock to form "friended"
"fins" and "red" interlock to form "friends"
"fir" and "re" interlock to form "frier"
"fir" and "res" interlock to form "friers"
"fiz" and "ree" interlock to form "frieze"
"frig" and "urn" interlock to form "furring"
"frig" and "urns" interlock to form "furrings"
"gie" and "and" interlock to form "gained"
"gnu" and "age" interlock to form "gangue"
"gnus" and "age" interlock to form "gangues"
"guy" and "ad" interlock to form "gaudy"
"gut" and "an" interlock to form "gaunt"
"gas" and "er" interlock to form "gears"
"gee" and "es" interlock to form "geese"
"get" and "es" interlock to form "geest"
"get" and "ess" interlock to form "geests"
"gat" and "in" interlock to form "giant"
"gat" and "ins" interlock to form "giants"
"grig" and "inn" interlock to form "girning"
"gar" and "li" interlock to form "glair"
"gar" and "lie" interlock to form "glaire"
"gars" and "lie" interlock to form "glaires"
"gar" and "lis" interlock to form "glairs"
"gem" and "la" interlock to form "gleam"
"gem" and "las" interlock to form "gleams"
"gem" and "lay" interlock to form "gleamy"
"get" and "ley" interlock to form "gleety"
"got" and "la" interlock to form "gloat"
"got" and "las" interlock to form "gloats"
"gae" and "odd" interlock to form "goaded"
"gas" and "od" interlock to form "goads"
"gae" and "old" interlock to form "goaled"
"gals" and "oles" interlock to form "goalless"
"gig" and "on" interlock to form "going"
"gig" and "ons" interlock to form "goings"
"go" and "od" interlock to form "good"
"goy" and "od" interlock to form "goody"
"goy" and "oe" interlock to form "gooey"
"go" and "of" interlock to form "goof"
"goy" and "of" interlock to form "goofy"
"go" and "on" interlock to form "goon"
"goy" and "on" interlock to form "goony"
"go" and "op" interlock to form "goop"
"go" and "os" interlock to form "goos"
"goy" and "os" interlock to form "goosy"
"gal" and "ras" interlock to form "graals"
"get" and "ras" interlock to form "greats"
"ged" and "re" interlock to form "greed"
"ged" and "res" interlock to form "greeds"
"genet" and "reis" interlock to form "greeniest"
"get" and "re" interlock to form "greet"
"get" and "res" interlock to form "greets"
"gens" and "ryes" interlock to form "greyness"
"got" and "ras" interlock to form "groats"
"gone" and "rudd" interlock to form "grounded"
"gul" and "re" interlock to form "gruel"
"gul" and "res" interlock to form "gruels"
"gas" and "un" interlock to form "guans"
"get" and "us" interlock to form "guest"
"gie" and "us" interlock to form "guise"
"ha" and "ar" interlock to form "haar"
"has" and "ar" interlock to form "haars"
"he" and "ad" interlock to form "haed"
"he" and "am" interlock to form "haem"
"hes" and "am" interlock to form "haems"
"he" and "an" interlock to form "haen"
"he" and "as" interlock to form "haes"
"he" and "at" interlock to form "haet"
"hes" and "at" interlock to form "haets"
"hi" and "ar" interlock to form "hair"
"his" and "ar" interlock to form "hairs"
"hut" and "an" interlock to form "haunt"
"ha" and "el" interlock to form "heal"
"hae" and "eld" interlock to form "healed"
"has" and "el" interlock to form "heals"
"ha" and "er" interlock to form "hear"
"had" and "er" interlock to form "heard"
"hae" and "err" interlock to form "hearer"
"haes" and "err" interlock to form "hearers"
"has" and "er" interlock to form "hears"
"has" and "ere" interlock to form "hearse"
"hat" and "er" interlock to form "heart"
"hat" and "ers" interlock to form "hearts"
"ha" and "et" interlock to form "heat"
"hah" and "et" interlock to form "heath"
"has" and "et" interlock to form "heats"
"hair" and "eve" interlock to form "heavier"
"he" and "el" interlock to form "heel"
"hes" and "el" interlock to form "heels"
"hi" and "el" interlock to form "heil"
"hie" and "eld" interlock to form "heiled"
"his" and "el" interlock to form "heils"
"hi" and "er" interlock to form "heir"
"hies" and "ers" interlock to form "heiress"
"his" and "er" interlock to form "heirs"
"hit" and "es" interlock to form "heist"
"hit" and "ess" interlock to form "heists"
"he" and "id" interlock to form "hied"
"he" and "is" interlock to form "hies"
"ha" and "or" interlock to form "hoar"
"had" and "or" interlock to form "hoard"
"had" and "ors" interlock to form "hoards"
"hair" and "ore" interlock to form "hoarier"
"has" and "or" interlock to form "hoars"
"has" and "ore" interlock to form "hoarse"
"hay" and "or" interlock to form "hoary"
"ha" and "ox" interlock to form "hoax"
"he" and "od" interlock to form "hoed"
"he" and "or" interlock to form "hoer"
"hes" and "or" interlock to form "hoers"
"he" and "os" interlock to form "hoes"
"hie" and "os" interlock to form "hoise"
"hit" and "os" interlock to form "hoist"
"ho" and "od" interlock to form "hood"
"hoe" and "odd" interlock to form "hooded"
"hoy" and "oe" interlock to form "hooey"
"hoy" and "oes" interlock to form "hooeys"
"ho" and "of" interlock to form "hoof"
"holt" and "oke" interlock to form "hooklet"
"holt" and "okes" interlock to form "hooklets"
"ho" and "op" interlock to form "hoop"
"hue" and "os" interlock to form "house"
"he" and "us" interlock to form "hues"
"into" and "girn" interlock to form "ignitron"
"ifs" and "net" interlock to form "infest"
"if" and "no" interlock to form "info"
"ifs" and "no" interlock to form "infos"
"it" and "no" interlock to form "into"
"in" and "os" interlock to form "ions"
"ills" and "sees" interlock to form "isleless"
"jut" and "an" interlock to form "jaunt"
"jut" and "any" interlock to form "jaunty"
"jee" and "err" interlock to form "jeerer"
"jees" and "err" interlock to form "jeerers"
"jut" and "os" interlock to form "joust"
"ka" and "as" interlock to form "kaas"
"kos" and "an" interlock to form "kaons"
"ka" and "es" interlock to form "keas"
"keet" and "ens" interlock to form "keenest"
"kris" and "era" interlock to form "kerrias"
"kris" and "ere" interlock to form "kerries"
"keg" and "li" interlock to form "kleig"
"ka" and "on" interlock to form "koan"
"kas" and "on" interlock to form "koans"
"ka" and "os" interlock to form "koas"
"li" and "ad" interlock to form "laid"
"li" and "an" interlock to form "lain"
"li" and "ar" interlock to form "lair"
"lid" and "ar" interlock to form "laird"
"lid" and "ars" interlock to form "lairds"
"lis" and "ar" interlock to form "lairs"
"la" and "ef" interlock to form "leaf"
"las" and "ef" interlock to form "leafs"
"lay" and "ef" interlock to form "leafy"
"lair" and "eke" interlock to form "leakier"
"la" and "el" interlock to form "leal"
"la" and "en" interlock to form "lean"
"las" and "en" interlock to form "leans"
"lat" and "en" interlock to form "leant"
"la" and "er" interlock to form "lear"
"lair" and "ere" interlock to form "learier"
"land" and "ere" interlock to form "learned"
"las" and "er" interlock to form "lears"
"lay" and "er" interlock to form "leary"
"la" and "es" interlock to form "leas"
"lat" and "es" interlock to form "least"
"lat" and "ess" interlock to form "leasts"
"lair" and "eve" interlock to form "leavier"
"ley" and "er" interlock to form "leery"
"li" and "es" interlock to form "leis"
"lag" and "in" interlock to form "liang"
"lag" and "ins" interlock to form "liangs"
"leet" and "ifs" interlock to form "liefest"
"lens" and "ire" interlock to form "liernes"
"lo" and "in" interlock to form "lion"
"la" and "od" interlock to form "load"
"las" and "od" interlock to form "loads"
"la" and "of" interlock to form "loaf"
"las" and "of" interlock to form "loafs"
"la" and "om" interlock to form "loam"
"las" and "om" interlock to form "loams"
"lay" and "om" interlock to form "loamy"
"la" and "on" interlock to form "loan"
"las" and "on" interlock to form "loans"
"less" and "ose" interlock to form "loesses"
"li" and "on" interlock to form "loin"
"lis" and "on" interlock to form "loins"
"lo" and "of" interlock to form "loof"
"lo" and "om" interlock to form "loom"
"lo" and "on" interlock to form "loon"
"lo" and "op" interlock to form "loop"
"lo" and "os" interlock to form "loos"
"lug" and "one" interlock to form "lounge"
"lugs" and "one" interlock to form "lounges"
"ma" and "ar" interlock to form "maar"
"mas" and "ar" interlock to form "maars"
"me" and "as" interlock to form "maes"
"mi" and "ad" interlock to form "maid"
"mis" and "ad" interlock to form "maids"
"mir" and "age" interlock to form "maigre"
"mils" and "ales" interlock to form "mailless"
"mi" and "am" interlock to form "maim"
"mis" and "am" interlock to form "maims"
"mi" and "an" interlock to form "main"
"mil" and "any" interlock to form "mainly"
"mis" and "an" interlock to form "mains"
"mi" and "ar" interlock to form "mair"
"mis" and "ar" interlock to form "mairs"
"mu" and "an" interlock to form "maun"
"mud" and "an" interlock to form "maund"
"mud" and "any" interlock to form "maundy"
"mu" and "at" interlock to form "maut"
"mus" and "at" interlock to form "mauts"
"my" and "aa" interlock to form "maya"
"my" and "as" interlock to form "mays"
"ma" and "el" interlock to form "meal"
"mas" and "el" interlock to form "meals"
"may" and "el" interlock to form "mealy"
"ma" and "en" interlock to form "mean"
"mas" and "en" interlock to form "means"
"mat" and "en" interlock to form "meant"
"may" and "en" interlock to form "meany"
"ma" and "et" interlock to form "meat"
"mas" and "et" interlock to form "meats"
"may" and "et" interlock to form "meaty"
"me" and "et" interlock to form "meet"
"mil" and "eke" interlock to form "meikle"
"me" and "in" interlock to form "mien"
"ma" and "on" interlock to form "moan"
"mas" and "on" interlock to form "moans"
"ma" and "os" interlock to form "moas"
"mod" and "oe" interlock to form "mooed"
"mols" and "ones" interlock to form "moonless"
"molt" and "one" interlock to form "moonlet"
"molt" and "ones" interlock to form "moonlets"
"most" and "one" interlock to form "moonset"
"most" and "ones" interlock to form "moonsets"
"mu" and "oe" interlock to form "moue"
"mus" and "oe" interlock to form "moues"
"mule" and "oil" interlock to form "mouille"
"mud" and "on" interlock to form "mound"
"mud" and "ons" interlock to form "mounds"
"mut" and "on" interlock to form "mount"
"mut" and "ons" interlock to form "mounts"
"mun" and "or" interlock to form "mourn"
"mun" and "ors" interlock to form "mourns"
"mus" and "ose" interlock to form "mousse"
"muss" and "ose" interlock to form "mousses"
"no" and "ai" interlock to form "naoi"
"no" and "as" interlock to form "naos"
"na" and "er" interlock to form "near"
"nae" and "err" interlock to form "nearer"
"na" and "et" interlock to form "neat"
"nit" and "es" interlock to form "neist"
"no" and "en" interlock to form "neon"
"nos" and "en" interlock to form "neons"
"nu" and "em" interlock to form "neum"
"nus" and "em" interlock to form "neums"
"nurl" and "eta" interlock to form "neutral"
"nurl" and "etas" interlock to form "neutrals"
"no" and "on" interlock to form "noon"
"nos" and "on" interlock to form "noons"
"nu" and "on" interlock to form "noun"
"nus" and "on" interlock to form "nouns"
"nu" and "os" interlock to form "nous"
"of" and "as" interlock to form "oafs"
"or" and "as" interlock to form "oars"
"os" and "at" interlock to form "oast"
"oe" and "by" interlock to form "obey"
"oes" and "by" interlock to form "obeys"
"ora" and "cee" interlock to form "ocreae"
"oe" and "da" interlock to form "odea"
"our" and "eve" interlock to form "oeuvre"
"ours" and "eve" interlock to form "oeuvres"
"ohms" and "gait" interlock to form "oghamist"
"ohm" and "gas" interlock to form "oghams"
"or" and "ka" interlock to form "okra"
"ors" and "ka" interlock to form "okras"
"ods" and "let" interlock to form "oldest"
"ode" and "li" interlock to form "oldie"
"ode" and "lis" interlock to form "oldies"
"oe" and "la" interlock to form "olea"
"oe" and "lo" interlock to form "oleo"
"oes" and "lo" interlock to form "oleos"
"oh" and "os" interlock to form "oohs"
"op" and "os" interlock to form "oops"
"oil" and "re" interlock to form "oriel"
"oil" and "res" interlock to form "oriels"
"oil" and "roe" interlock to form "oriole"
"oils" and "roe" interlock to form "orioles"
"od" and "us" interlock to form "ouds"
"or" and "us" interlock to form "ours"
"os" and "ut" interlock to form "oust"
"os" and "we" interlock to form "owse"
"pen" and "aa" interlock to form "paean"
"pen" and "aas" interlock to form "paeans"
"pi" and "ad" interlock to form "paid"
"pi" and "an" interlock to form "pain"
"pie" and "and" interlock to form "pained"
"pis" and "an" interlock to form "pains"
"pit" and "an" interlock to form "paint"
"pit" and "any" interlock to form "painty"
"pi" and "ar" interlock to form "pair"
"pis" and "ar" interlock to form "pairs"
"pia" and "as" interlock to form "paisa"
"pia" and "ass" interlock to form "paisas"
"pie" and "as" interlock to form "paise"
"ply" and "am" interlock to form "palmy"
"ply" and "as" interlock to form "palsy"
"pry" and "ad" interlock to form "pardy"
"pree" and "aits" interlock to form "parietes"
"pro" and "art" interlock to form "parrot"
"pros" and "art" interlock to form "parrots"
"pry" and "ar" interlock to form "parry"
"pry" and "at" interlock to form "party"
"psis" and "ate" interlock to form "pasties"
"pye" and "ae" interlock to form "payee"
"pair" and "eke" interlock to form "peakier"
"pals" and "ekes" interlock to form "peakless"
"pa" and "el" interlock to form "peal"
"pas" and "el" interlock to form "peals"
"pa" and "en" interlock to form "pean"
"pas" and "en" interlock to form "peans"
"pa" and "er" interlock to form "pear"
"pal" and "er" interlock to form "pearl"
"pal" and "ers" interlock to form "pearls"
"pas" and "er" interlock to form "pears"
"pat" and "er" interlock to form "peart"
"pa" and "es" interlock to form "peas"
"pa" and "et" interlock to form "peat"
"pas" and "et" interlock to form "peats"
"pay" and "et" interlock to form "peaty"
"pe" and "el" interlock to form "peel"
"pee" and "eld" interlock to form "peeled"
"pes" and "el" interlock to form "peels"
"pe" and "en" interlock to form "peen"
"pee" and "end" interlock to form "peened"
"pes" and "en" interlock to form "peens"
"pe" and "er" interlock to form "peer"
"pees" and "ers" interlock to form "peeress"
"pes" and "er" interlock to form "peers"
"pe" and "es" interlock to form "pees"
"pee" and "ewe" interlock to form "peewee"
"pees" and "ewe" interlock to form "peewees"
"pi" and "en" interlock to form "pein"
"pie" and "end" interlock to form "peined"
"pis" and "en" interlock to form "peins"
"pie" and "es" interlock to form "peise"
"pie" and "ess" interlock to form "peises"
"pro" and "ern" interlock to form "perron"
"pros" and "ern" interlock to form "perrons"
"pry" and "er" interlock to form "perry"
"pa" and "in" interlock to form "pian"
"pas" and "in" interlock to form "pians"
"pa" and "is" interlock to form "pias"
"pe" and "id" interlock to form "pied"
"pe" and "is" interlock to form "pies"
"pea" and "it" interlock to form "pieta"
"pea" and "its" interlock to form "pietas"
"pig" and "in" interlock to form "piing"
"pac" and "lie" interlock to form "plaice"
"pacs" and "lie" interlock to form "plaices"
"pad" and "li" interlock to form "plaid"
"pad" and "lis" interlock to form "plaids"
"pan" and "li" interlock to form "plain"
"panes" and "lins" interlock to form "plainness"
"pan" and "lis" interlock to form "plains"
"pan" and "lit" interlock to form "plaint"
"pans" and "lit" interlock to form "plaints"
"pat" and "li" interlock to form "plait"
"pat" and "lis" interlock to form "plaits"
"pals" and "lyes" interlock to form "playless"
"pe" and "la" interlock to form "plea"
"ped" and "la" interlock to form "plead"
"ped" and "las" interlock to form "pleads"
"pes" and "la" interlock to form "pleas"
"pet" and "la" interlock to form "pleat"
"pet" and "las" interlock to form "pleats"
"pea" and "lid" interlock to form "pleiad"
"peas" and "lid" interlock to form "pleiads"
"pens" and "loam" interlock to form "pleonasm"
"piny" and "lac" interlock to form "pliancy"
"pin" and "lat" interlock to form "pliant"
"pe" and "om" interlock to form "poem"
"pes" and "om" interlock to form "poems"
"pit" and "on" interlock to form "point"
"pit" and "one" interlock to form "pointe"
"pits" and "one" interlock to form "pointes"
"pit" and "ons" interlock to form "points"
"pi" and "os" interlock to form "pois"
"pie" and "os" interlock to form "poise"
"pol" and "ode" interlock to form "poodle"
"pols" and "ode" interlock to form "poodles"
"poet" and "ors" interlock to form "poorest"
"poi" and "or" interlock to form "poori"
"poi" and "ors" interlock to form "pooris"
"pons" and "ores" interlock to form "poorness"
"pro" and "on" interlock to form "porno"
"pro" and "ons" interlock to form "pornos"
"pus" and "of" interlock to form "poufs"
"pud" and "on" interlock to form "pound"
"pud" and "ons" interlock to form "pounds"
"pus" and "or" interlock to form "pours"
"pam" and "ras" interlock to form "praams"
"per" and "ram" interlock to form "prearm"
"pe" and "re" interlock to form "pree"
"ped" and "re" interlock to form "preed"
"pen" and "re" interlock to form "preen"
"pend" and "ree" interlock to form "preened"
"pen" and "res" interlock to form "preens"
"pes" and "re" interlock to form "prees"
"pis" and "re" interlock to form "pries"
"pis" and "ret" interlock to form "priest"
"piss" and "ret" interlock to form "priests"
"pams" and "slit" interlock to form "psalmist"
"pin" and "use" interlock to form "puisne"
"pins" and "use" interlock to form "puisnes"
"ply" and "up" interlock to form "pulpy"
"prig" and "urn" interlock to form "purring"
"pry" and "us" interlock to form "pursy"
"psis" and "use" interlock to form "pussies"
"riot" and "anus" interlock to form "rainouts"
"ram" and "el" interlock to form "realm"
"ram" and "els" interlock to form "realms"
"ras" and "el" interlock to form "reals"
"ras" and "em" interlock to form "reams"
"ram" and "er" interlock to form "rearm"
"ram" and "ers" interlock to form "rearms"
"ras" and "er" interlock to form "rears"
"re" and "ef" interlock to form "reef"
"res" and "ef" interlock to form "reefs"
"re" and "el" interlock to form "reel"
"ree" and "eld" interlock to form "reeled"
"res" and "el" interlock to form "reels"
"re" and "es" interlock to form "rees"
"ret" and "es" interlock to form "reest"
"ret" and "ess" interlock to form "reests"
"rue" and "es" interlock to form "reuse"
"rue" and "ess" interlock to form "reuses"
"re" and "ha" interlock to form "rhea"
"res" and "ha" interlock to form "rheas"
"rat" and "in" interlock to form "riant"
"ras" and "od" interlock to form "roads"
"ras" and "om" interlock to form "roams"
"ras" and "on" interlock to form "roans"
"ras" and "or" interlock to form "roars"
"rat" and "os" interlock to form "roast"
"re" and "os" interlock to form "roes"
"roe" and "os" interlock to form "roose"
"rot" and "os" interlock to form "roost"
"run" and "oe" interlock to form "rouen"
"run" and "oes" interlock to form "rouens"
"rudd" and "one" interlock to form "rounded"
"rue" and "opt" interlock to form "roupet"
"rue" and "os" interlock to form "rouse"
"rut" and "os" interlock to form "roust"
"re" and "us" interlock to form "rues"
"rial" and "unbe" interlock to form "ruinable"
"rig" and "un" interlock to form "ruing"
"si" and "ad" interlock to form "said"
"sis" and "ad" interlock to form "saids"
"si" and "an" interlock to form "sain"
"sis" and "an" interlock to form "sains"
"sit" and "an" interlock to form "saint"
"slid" and "ale" interlock to form "sallied"
"sly" and "at" interlock to form "salty"
"sped" and "aha" interlock to form "saphead"
"specs" and "aine" interlock to form "sapiences"
"stey" and "ait" interlock to form "satiety"
"sue" and "at" interlock to form "saute"
"sued" and "ate" interlock to form "sauteed"
"sae" and "cry" interlock to form "scarey"
"shoe" and "cold" interlock to form "schooled"
"sin" and "cos" interlock to form "scions"
"sop" and "cos" interlock to form "scoops"
"sot" and "cos" interlock to form "scoots"
"sord" and "cue" interlock to form "scoured"
"sos" and "cue" interlock to form "scouse"
"sure" and "cris" interlock to form "scurries"
"sae" and "eld" interlock to form "sealed"
"sals" and "emes" interlock to form "seamless"
"say" and "em" interlock to form "seamy"
"sae" and "err" interlock to form "searer"
"see" and "eld" interlock to form "seeled"
"sees" and "ers" interlock to form "seeress"
"sinus" and "eger" interlock to form "seigneurs"
"si" and "es" interlock to form "seis"
"sim" and "es" interlock to form "seism"
"sim" and "ess" interlock to form "seisms"
"spa" and "et" interlock to form "septa"
"sris" and "ere" interlock to form "serries"
"sag" and "huh" interlock to form "shaugh"
"sags" and "huh" interlock to form "shaughs"
"sel" and "ha" interlock to form "sheal"
"sel" and "has" interlock to form "sheals"
"ser" and "ha" interlock to form "shear"
"ser" and "has" interlock to form "shears"
"set" and "hah" interlock to form "sheath"
"sets" and "hah" interlock to form "sheaths"
"sen" and "he" interlock to form "sheen"
"sen" and "hes" interlock to form "sheens"
"sen" and "hey" interlock to form "sheeny"
"ser" and "he" interlock to form "sheer"
"ser" and "hes" interlock to form "sheers"
"set" and "he" interlock to form "sheet"
"set" and "hes" interlock to form "sheets"
"sel" and "ho" interlock to form "sheol"
"sec" and "huh" interlock to form "sheuch"
"secs" and "huh" interlock to form "sheuchs"
"sir" and "he" interlock to form "shier"
"sir" and "hes" interlock to form "shiers"
"sis" and "he" interlock to form "shies"
"sis" and "het" interlock to form "shiest"
"sol" and "ha" interlock to form "shoal"
"sold" and "hae" interlock to form "shoaled"
"sols" and "haet" interlock to form "shoalest"
"sole" and "hair" interlock to form "shoalier"
"sol" and "has" interlock to form "shoals"
"sol" and "hay" interlock to form "shoaly"
"sot" and "ha" interlock to form "shoat"
"sot" and "has" interlock to form "shoats"
"so" and "he" interlock to form "shoe"
"sod" and "he" interlock to form "shoed"
"sos" and "he" interlock to form "shoes"
"so" and "ho" interlock to form "shoo"
"sol" and "ho" interlock to form "shool"
"sold" and "hoe" interlock to form "shooled"
"son" and "ho" interlock to form "shoon"
"sos" and "ho" interlock to form "shoos"
"sot" and "ho" interlock to form "shoot"
"sly" and "it" interlock to form "silty"
"sen" and "ka" interlock to form "skean"
"sen" and "kae" interlock to form "skeane"
"sen" and "kas" interlock to form "skeans"
"sere" and "kris" interlock to form "skerries"
"sol" and "ka" interlock to form "skoal"
"sold" and "kae" interlock to form "skoaled"
"sol" and "kas" interlock to form "skoals"
"set" and "ley" interlock to form "sleety"
"sis" and "let" interlock to form "sliest"
"sod" and "li" interlock to form "sloid"
"sod" and "lis" interlock to form "sloids"
"sop" and "lo" interlock to form "sloop"
"ser" and "ma" interlock to form "smear"
"sere" and "mair" interlock to form "smearier"
"ser" and "mas" interlock to form "smears"
"ser" and "may" interlock to form "smeary"
"sac" and "nth" interlock to form "snatch"
"sic" and "nth" interlock to form "snitch"
"sod" and "no" interlock to form "snood"
"sod" and "nos" interlock to form "snoods"
"sol" and "no" interlock to form "snool"
"sol" and "nos" interlock to form "snools"
"sop" and "no" interlock to form "snoop"
"sop" and "nos" interlock to form "snoops"
"sot" and "no" interlock to form "snoot"
"sot" and "nos" interlock to form "snoots"
"sot" and "nu" interlock to form "snout"
"sot" and "nus" interlock to form "snouts"
"sals" and "opes" interlock to form "soapless"
"say" and "op" interlock to form "soapy"
"soy" and "oe" interlock to form "sooey"
"so" and "on" interlock to form "soon"
"spit" and "ohs" interlock to form "sophist"
"spy" and "oh" interlock to form "sophy"
"spy" and "op" interlock to form "soppy"
"sri" and "odd" interlock to form "sordid"
"sue" and "old" interlock to form "souled"
"sudd" and "one" interlock to form "sounded"
"suet" and "ors" interlock to form "sourest"
"suns" and "ores" interlock to form "sourness"
"sue" and "os" interlock to form "souse"
"sad" and "pe" interlock to form "spaed"
"sal" and "pi" interlock to form "spail"
"sal" and "pis" interlock to form "spails"
"sat" and "pi" interlock to form "spait"
"sat" and "pis" interlock to form "spaits"
"sen" and "pa" interlock to form "spean"
"sen" and "pas" interlock to form "speans"
"ser" and "pa" interlock to form "spear"
"ser" and "pas" interlock to form "spears"
"sel" and "pe" interlock to form "speel"
"sel" and "pes" interlock to form "speels"
"ser" and "pe" interlock to form "speer"
"ser" and "pes" interlock to form "speers"
"sel" and "pi" interlock to form "speil"
"sel" and "pis" interlock to form "speils"
"ser" and "pi" interlock to form "speir"
"ser" and "pis" interlock to form "speirs"
"sild" and "pee" interlock to form "spieled"
"sir" and "pe" interlock to form "spier"
"sir" and "pes" interlock to form "spiers"
"sis" and "pe" interlock to form "spies"
"sly" and "pa" interlock to form "splay"
"sly" and "pas" interlock to form "splays"
"sol" and "pi" interlock to form "spoil"
"sold" and "pie" interlock to form "spoiled"
"sol" and "pis" interlock to form "spoils"
"sol" and "pit" interlock to form "spoilt"
"sone" and "pois" interlock to form "spoonies"
"sot" and "pry" interlock to form "sporty"
"sot" and "pus" interlock to form "spouts"
"sri" and "pan" interlock to form "sprain"
"sris" and "pan" interlock to form "sprains"
"sun" and "pig" interlock to form "spuing"
"sunn" and "prig" interlock to form "spurning"
"syn" and "pig" interlock to form "spying"
"sad" and "ti" interlock to form "staid"
"sag" and "ti" interlock to form "staig"
"sag" and "tis" interlock to form "staigs"
"sand" and "tie" interlock to form "stained"
"sanes" and "tils" interlock to form "stainless"
"sel" and "ta" interlock to form "steal"
"sel" and "tas" interlock to form "steals"
"sen" and "ti" interlock to form "stein"
"sen" and "tis" interlock to form "steins"
"so" and "ta" interlock to form "stoa"
"sos" and "ta" interlock to form "stoas"
"sot" and "ta" interlock to form "stoat"
"sot" and "tas" interlock to form "stoats"
"sod" and "to" interlock to form "stood"
"sol" and "to" interlock to form "stool"
"sold" and "toe" interlock to form "stooled"
"sop" and "to" interlock to form "stoop"
"sore" and "tui" interlock to form "stourie"
"sri" and "tan" interlock to form "strain"
"sris" and "tan" interlock to form "strains"
"sri" and "tat" interlock to form "strait"
"sris" and "tat" interlock to form "straits"
"sit" and "un" interlock to form "suint"
"sit" and "uns" interlock to form "suints"
"si" and "ut" interlock to form "suit"
"sis" and "ut" interlock to form "suits"
"sal" and "wis" interlock to form "swails"
"sat" and "wry" interlock to form "swarty"
"ser" and "was" interlock to form "swears"
"set" and "was" interlock to form "sweats"
"set" and "way" interlock to form "sweaty"
"ser" and "we" interlock to form "sweer"
"set" and "we" interlock to form "sweet"
"sets" and "weet" interlock to form "sweetest"
"son" and "wo" interlock to form "swoon"
"son" and "wos" interlock to form "swoons"
"sop" and "wo" interlock to form "swoop"
"sop" and "wos" interlock to form "swoops"
"son" and "wud" interlock to form "swound"
"sons" and "wud" interlock to form "swounds"
"til" and "ale" interlock to form "taille"
"tils" and "ale" interlock to form "tailles"
"tils" and "ales" interlock to form "tailless"
"ti" and "an" interlock to form "tain"
"tis" and "an" interlock to form "tains"
"tit" and "an" interlock to form "taint"
"to" and "as" interlock to form "taos"
"try" and "ad" interlock to form "tardy"
"try" and "ar" interlock to form "tarry"
"tut" and "an" interlock to form "taunt"
"tuns" and "ates" interlock to form "tautness"
"ta" and "el" interlock to form "teal"
"tas" and "el" interlock to form "teals"
"ta" and "em" interlock to form "team"
"tas" and "em" interlock to form "teams"
"ta" and "er" interlock to form "tear"
"tae" and "err" interlock to form "tearer"
"tags" and "era" interlock to form "teargas"
"tas" and "er" interlock to form "tears"
"ta" and "es" interlock to form "teas"
"tae" and "es" interlock to form "tease"
"tae" and "ess" interlock to form "teases"
"ta" and "et" interlock to form "teat"
"tas" and "et" interlock to form "teats"
"tree" and "ern" interlock to form "terrene"
"tree" and "erns" interlock to form "terrenes"
"try" and "er" interlock to form "terry"
"tret" and "ess" interlock to form "tersest"
"ta" and "he" interlock to form "thae"
"tar" and "him" interlock to form "thairm"
"tars" and "him" interlock to form "thairms"
"ten" and "hi" interlock to form "thein"
"ten" and "hie" interlock to form "theine"
"tens" and "hie" interlock to form "theines"
"ten" and "his" interlock to form "theins"
"term" and "hoe" interlock to form "theorem"
"term" and "hoes" interlock to form "theorems"
"ti" and "ho" interlock to form "thio"
"til" and "ho" interlock to form "thiol"
"tog" and "huh" interlock to form "though"
"tray" and "hot" interlock to form "throaty"
"ta" and "od" interlock to form "toad"
"tas" and "od" interlock to form "toads"
"tat" and "os" interlock to form "toast"
"tie" and "old" interlock to form "toiled"
"toe" and "old" interlock to form "tooled"
"to" and "om" interlock to form "toom"
"to" and "on" interlock to form "toon"
"ted" and "ras" interlock to form "treads"
"ted" and "re" interlock to form "treed"
"til" and "ras" interlock to form "trials"
"tin" and "ree" interlock to form "triene"
"tins" and "ree" interlock to form "trienes"
"tin" and "res" interlock to form "triens"
"tine" and "rets" interlock to form "trientes"
"tis" and "re" interlock to form "tries"
"tilt" and "roe" interlock to form "triolet"
"tilt" and "roes" interlock to form "triolets"
"tis" and "roe" interlock to form "triose"
"tin" and "rue" interlock to form "triune"
"tins" and "rue" interlock to form "triunes"
"top" and "rue" interlock to form "troupe"
"tops" and "rue" interlock to form "troupes"
"tun" and "rat" interlock to form "truant"
"tuns" and "rat" interlock to form "truants"
"tuns" and "rees" interlock to form "trueness"
"tun" and "rig" interlock to form "truing"
"ti" and "us" interlock to form "tuis"
"ta" and "we" interlock to form "twae"
"tas" and "we" interlock to form "twaes"
"tan" and "wis" interlock to form "twains"
"ted" and "we" interlock to form "tweed"
"ten" and "we" interlock to form "tween"
"til" and "wry" interlock to form "twirly"
"uit" and "bey" interlock to form "ubiety"
"un" and "la" interlock to form "ulna"
"uns" and "la" interlock to form "ulnas"
"urn" and "net" interlock to form "unrent"
"ut" and "no" interlock to form "unto"
"uke" and "pep" interlock to form "upkeep"
"ukes" and "pep" interlock to form "upkeeps"
"uta" and "per" interlock to form "uptear"
"utas" and "per" interlock to form "uptears"
"vins" and "anes" interlock to form "vainness"
"vis" and "ar" interlock to form "vairs"
"vas" and "el" interlock to form "veals"
"vie" and "eld" interlock to form "veiled"
"vis" and "el" interlock to form "veils"
"vie" and "end" interlock to form "veined"
"vis" and "en" interlock to form "veins"
"vie" and "odd" interlock to form "voided"
"vins" and "odes" interlock to form "voidness"
"vis" and "od" interlock to form "voids"
"we" and "as" interlock to form "waes"
"wis" and "an" interlock to form "wains"
"wis" and "ar" interlock to form "wairs"
"wit" and "as" interlock to form "waist"
"wit" and "ass" interlock to form "waists"
"wis" and "at" interlock to form "waits"
"wry" and "at" interlock to form "warty"
"wans" and "ekes" interlock to form "weakness"
"wad" and "el" interlock to form "weald"
"wad" and "els" interlock to form "wealds"
"was" and "el" interlock to form "weals"
"wae" and "end" interlock to form "weaned"
"was" and "en" interlock to form "weans"
"wae" and "err" interlock to form "wearer"
"waes" and "err" interlock to form "wearers"
"wair" and "ere" interlock to form "wearier"
"was" and "er" interlock to form "wears"
"way" and "er" interlock to form "weary"
"we" and "el" interlock to form "weel"
"we" and "en" interlock to form "ween"
"wee" and "end" interlock to form "weened"
"we" and "er" interlock to form "weer"
"we" and "es" interlock to form "wees"
"wet" and "es" interlock to form "weest"
"we" and "et" interlock to form "weet"
"wee" and "ewe" interlock to form "weewee"
"weed" and "ewe" interlock to form "weeweed"
"wees" and "ewe" interlock to form "weewees"
"wides" and "erns" interlock to form "weirdness"
"wide" and "eros" interlock to form "weirdoes"
"wis" and "er" interlock to form "weirs"
"wet" and "ha" interlock to form "wheat"
"wet" and "has" interlock to form "wheats"
"we" and "he" interlock to form "whee"
"wen" and "he" interlock to form "wheen"
"wen" and "hes" interlock to form "wheens"
"wo" and "ha" interlock to form "whoa"
"wos" and "ha" interlock to form "whoas"
"wop" and "ho" interlock to form "whoop"
"wae" and "odd" interlock to form "woaded"
"was" and "od" interlock to form "woads"
"wees" and "ons" interlock to form "woeness"
"we" and "os" interlock to form "woes"
"wo" and "od" interlock to form "wood"
"woe" and "odd" interlock to form "wooded"
"wos" and "od" interlock to form "woods"
"wo" and "of" interlock to form "woof"
"wos" and "of" interlock to form "woofs"
"woe" and "old" interlock to form "wooled"
"wos" and "op" interlock to form "woops"
"wo" and "os" interlock to form "woos"
"wry" and "od" interlock to form "wordy"
"wry" and "om" interlock to form "wormy"
"wry" and "or" interlock to form "worry"
"wud" and "on" interlock to form "wound"
"wud" and "ons" interlock to form "wounds"
"wet" and "rah" interlock to form "wreath"
"wets" and "rah" interlock to form "wreaths"
"wis" and "re" interlock to form "wries"
"wis" and "ret" interlock to form "wriest"
"yid" and "ar" interlock to form "yaird"
"yid" and "ars" interlock to form "yairds"
"ya" and "eh" interlock to form "yeah"
"ya" and "en" interlock to form "yean"
"ya" and "er" interlock to form "year"
"ya" and "es" interlock to form "yeas"
"ya" and "un" interlock to form "yuan"

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