

Think Python (Allen B. Downey (著)、 O'Reilly Media)のChapter 18.(Inheritance)のExercises 18-3-4.(No. 4220)を取り組んでみる。

Exercises 18-3-4.(No. 4220)


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from Card import Hand, Deck, Card

class PokerHand(Hand):
    size = 5

    def suit_hist(self):
        """Builds a histogram of the suits that appear in the hand.

        Stores the result in attribute suits.
        self.suits = {}
        for card in self.cards:
            self.suits[card.suit] = self.suits.get(card.suit, 0) + 1

    def rank_hist(self):
        self.ranks = {}
        for card in self.cards:
            self.ranks[card.rank] = self.ranks.get(card.rank, 0) + 1

    def has_flush(self):
        """Returns True if the hand has a flush, False otherwise.

        Note that this works correctly for hands with more than 5 cards.
        for val in self.suits.values():
            if val >= 5:
                return True
        return False

    def has_pair(self):
        for val in self.ranks.values():
            if val == 2:
                return True
        return False

    def has_twopair(self):
        count = 0
        for val in self.ranks.values():
            if val == 2:
                if count == 0:
                    count = 1
                    return True
        return False

    def has_three_of_kind(self):
        for val in self.ranks.values():
            if val == 3:
                return True
        return False

    def has_straight(self):
        ks = self.ranks.keys()
        start = 1
        stop = 13 - (PokerHand.size - 1) + 1
        for n in range(start, stop):
            for m in range(n, n + PokerHand.size):
                if m not in ks:
                return True
        if 1 in ks:
            start = 13 - (PokerHand.size - 1) + 1
            stop = start + PokerHand.size - 1
            for n in range(start, stop):
                if n not in ks:
                    return False
            return True
        return False

    def has_full_house(self):
        return self.has_pair() and self.has_three_of_kind()

    def has_four_of_kind(self):
        for val in self.ranks.values():
            if val == 4:
                return True
        return False

    def has_straight_flush(self):
        return self.has_straight() and self.has_flush()

    labels = {
        'pair': has_pair,
        'two pair': has_twopair,
        'three of a kind': has_three_of_kind,
        'straight': has_straight,
        'flush': has_flush,
        'full house': has_full_house,
        'four of a kind': has_four_of_kind,
        'straight flush': has_straight_flush

    def classify(self):
        for k, v in PokerHand.labels.items():
            if v(self):
                self.label = k

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # make a deck
    deck = Deck()

    # deal the cards and classify the hands
    for i in range(7):
        hand = PokerHand()
        deck.move_cards(hand, 7)
        print('flush: {0}'.format(hand.has_flush()))
        print('pair: {0}'.format(hand.has_pair()))
        print('two pair: {0}'.format(hand.has_twopair()))
        print('three of a kind: {0}'.format(hand.has_three_of_kind()))
        print('full house: {0}'.format(hand.has_full_house()))
        print('four of a kind: {0}'.format(hand.has_four_of_kind()))
        print('straight: {0}'.format(hand.has_straight()))
        print('straight flush: {0}'.format(hand.has_straight_flush()))
        print('label: {0}'.format(hand.label))

入出力結果(Terminal, IPython)

$ ./PokerHand.py
2 of Clubs
3 of Clubs
Ace of Diamonds
7 of Diamonds
7 of Hearts
Jack of Hearts
Jack of Spades
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: True
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: pair

4 of Clubs
2 of Spades
4 of Spades
7 of Spades
9 of Spades
Queen of Spades
King of Spades
flush: True
pair: True
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: flush

7 of Clubs
3 of Diamonds
8 of Diamonds
Jack of Diamonds
Queen of Diamonds
4 of Hearts
9 of Hearts
flush: False
pair: False
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False

Queen of Clubs
9 of Diamonds
3 of Hearts
8 of Hearts
Queen of Hearts
3 of Spades
10 of Spades
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: True
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: pair

Ace of Clubs
5 of Clubs
2 of Diamonds
4 of Diamonds
King of Hearts
Ace of Spades
6 of Spades
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: pair

10 of Clubs
Jack of Clubs
10 of Diamonds
Ace of Hearts
6 of Hearts
10 of Hearts
5 of Spades
flush: False
pair: False
two pair: False
three of a kind: True
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: three of a kind

6 of Clubs
9 of Clubs
King of Clubs
5 of Diamonds
6 of Diamonds
King of Diamonds
5 of Hearts
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: True
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: pair

$ ./PokerHand.py
5 of Clubs
10 of Clubs
5 of Diamonds
Jack of Diamonds
3 of Spades
4 of Spades
Queen of Spades
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: pair

Ace of Clubs
9 of Clubs
7 of Diamonds
Queen of Diamonds
6 of Hearts
10 of Hearts
9 of Spades
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: pair

3 of Clubs
4 of Clubs
2 of Diamonds
6 of Diamonds
5 of Hearts
6 of Spades
8 of Spades
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: True
straight flush: False
label: pair

8 of Clubs
4 of Diamonds
8 of Diamonds
Ace of Hearts
2 of Hearts
5 of Spades
10 of Spades
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: pair

6 of Clubs
Jack of Clubs
10 of Diamonds
3 of Hearts
4 of Hearts
Ace of Spades
Jack of Spades
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: pair

Queen of Clubs
Ace of Diamonds
3 of Diamonds
7 of Hearts
9 of Hearts
King of Hearts
King of Spades
flush: False
pair: True
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False
label: pair

2 of Clubs
7 of Clubs
9 of Diamonds
King of Diamonds
8 of Hearts
Jack of Hearts
Queen of Hearts
flush: False
pair: False
two pair: False
three of a kind: False
full house: False
four of a kind: False
straight: False
straight flush: False


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