

Head First Python (Paul Barry (著)、O'Reilly Media)のChapter 3.(Structured Data: Working with Structured Data)、Iterating Over a Dictionary with "items" の FREQUENCY COUNT MAGNETS(No. 2256) を取り組んでみる。



#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

vowels = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u']
word = input('Provide a word to search for vowels: ')

print(f'word: {word}')

found = {}
found['a'] = 0
found['e'] = 0
found['i'] = 0
found['o'] = 0
found['u'] = 0

for letter in word:
    if letter in vowels:
        found[letter] += 1

for k, v in sorted(found.items()):
    print(f'{k} was found {v} time(s).')

入出力結果(Terminal, IPython)

$ ./sample1.py < sample1.py
Provide a word to search for vowels: word: #!/usr/bin/env python3
a was found 0 time(s).
e was found 1 time(s).
i was found 1 time(s).
o was found 1 time(s).
u was found 1 time(s).
$ ./sample1.py < sample1.py | ./sample1.py
Provide a word to search for vowels: word: Provide a word to search for vowels: word: #!/usr/bin/env python3
a was found 2 time(s).
e was found 4 time(s).
i was found 2 time(s).
o was found 7 time(s).
u was found 1 time(s).
$ ./sample1.py < sample1.py | ./sample1.py | ./sample1.py
Provide a word to search for vowels: word: Provide a word to search for vowels: word: Provide a word to search for vowels: word: #!/usr/bin/env python3
a was found 4 time(s).
e was found 7 time(s).
i was found 3 time(s).
o was found 13 time(s).
u was found 1 time(s).

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